Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Look After Yourself - Bathtime Treats

Video HERE

This is an old favourite, the recipe is more of a balance or ratios to get the right texture – super easy!

4 parts Sugar*
1 part Coconut Oil
1 part Olive Oil**
1-2tbsp Ground Cinnamon
1-2tbsp Honey (Optional)

1.       Melt the coconut oil in the microwave or bain marie.
2.      Mix everything together until combined.
3.      Transfer to jars.

To Use:
Rub into the skin to provide an exfoliating scrub, then rinse off.
For super smooth legs shave, then rub in this scrub, rinse and shave again.
DO NOT apply to private area, as the sugar can upset the natural balance there.

*I like a combination of white granulated and brown. This is a great way of using up the ends of baking ingredients.
**Any simple carrier oil will work

Video HERE

These are a great gift, or a great treat for a luxurious bath. However, the correct balance of liquid can be rather difficult to get right. This is a rough ratio of dry powders to liquid, but you must learn the correct consistency to make balls that don’t melt or fall apart.

Ingredients: [Makes 2x 2” diameter balls]
½ cup Bicarbonate of Soda
¼ cup Citric Acid
¼ cup Cornflour
¼ cup Epsom Salt
1tbsp Castor Oil
1tbsp Essential Oil
1tbsp Water

1.       Mix together the dry ingredients.
2.      Mix together the liquids in a separate pot.
3.      Gradually add the liquid to the powders, mixing well until sandy – you probably won’t need all the liquid.
4.      Press into moulds, packing tightly, then turn out onto a rack and place somewhere to dry for 2-3 hours.

It is almost impossible to make bath bombs on a rainy day, any humidity in the air will send them fizzing to an early death!

*I use a powdered food colouring, but you can get soap colours or use food colouring, just be sure to adjust the amount of liquid.

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