Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Chocolate Demo for Ilford Sugarcraft Guild

Video HERE

Yes, this is a long video. The demo part was just over an hour, then the ladies took over for the next 3... didn't think you'd appreciate a 4 hour video. The sound isn't great, apologies, but I hope you can see everything I'm doing - if not, here are the 4 recipes I showed the ladies.

Cream Centre
75g White Chocolate
1 ½ tbsp Double Cream
35g Butter
Pinch of Salt

Mint Flavouring
Green colour (optional)
200g Milk Chocolate
30-40g Mint Matchmakers, chopped
1-2 Boiled Mints, crushed
30-40g Roasted Pistachios, chopped

  1. For the cream centre melt everything together in the microwave, or over a bain marie.
  2. Blend until smooth and incorporated, then add in a few drops of flavouring and colour if using. Pour into a piping bag and set aside to cool.*
  3. Melt the milk chocolate gently in the microwave until just liquid.
  4. Spoon 1tsp of the chocolate into a paper case and lift up the sides until coated, then lay open-end down on a tray. (You’ll need about 20)**
  5. Spoon about ½ tsp chocolate onto a sheet of baking parchment or foil and sprinkle on some mint and matchmakers. (Make enough for the cases)
  6. Chill in the fridge until set.
  7. If the cases are solid, remove the paper. Pipe the cream centre into each case to about ¾ full, then top with a pistachio and a button. Chill until needed.***

*This cream centre is fabulous. Unlike a fondant recipe it isn't over-sweet, and you can add any flavouring you like. If you're using an extract only a couple of drops will do, mix well and freeze and you can roll the centres before re-freezing then dipping in chocolate. If you're using jam, curd or marmalade it will carry the flavour well, but no amount of freezer time will make it solid enough to roll, so it's better piped instead.
**For speed - and for those who don't have access to moulds I've used small petit-for cases for this recipe, then topped them with mini mondion (chocolate buttons with bits of matchmaker and crushed boiled mint)
***You don't need to keep these chilled - in fact they taste better at room temperature. They'll last about a week, or 2-3 months in the freezer.

Steeped Ganache
4tbsp Double Cream+1
1-2 tbsp Dried Chilli
½ Red Chilli, chopped (optional)
150g Plain Chocolate
40g Butter
Pinch of Salt

200g White Chocolate
50g Red Candy Melts

  1. Gently heat the cream, then add the chilli and leave to steep for 10 minutes.*
  2. Pour the cream over the chocolate, butter and salt, adding another tbsp cream then microwave until just melted. 
  3.  Tip into a shallow dish and chill for 30 minutes-1 hour until firm.
  4. Roll tsps of the ganache between your fingertips, chill for 20 minutes.
  5. Melt the white chocolate and place the candy melts into a piping bag in a cup of boiling water.
  6. Dip the ganache balls into the white chocolate to coat, then transfer to a sheet of baking parchment and pipe over the candy melts.
  7. Chill until needed.

*Chilli chocolate is an acquired taste, use as much or as little as you like. Fresh chilli adds more flavour, dried adds more heat, cayenne or chilli powder can be bitter so make small batches to test the power.

Whisky Water Ganache
115g Plain Chocolate
25g Light Muscovado Sugar
85ml Water

1-2tbsp Whiskey
Cocoa Powder
1-2 tbsp Cocoa Nibs

  1. Put the sugar into a pan with the water and boil until dissolved.
  2. Tip onto the chocolate, whisk until melted.*
  3. Add the whiskey and tip into a pot.
  4. Cool then refrigerate for at least 2 hrs until set.
  5. Tip the cocoa powder onto a plate and scatter with the nibs.
  6. Break into small-ish pieces and roll between your fingers, then add to the plate and roll until coated.
  7. Chill until needed.**
 *Best to use a small-ish bowl so that everything sits together rather than being spread out. Try to get it melted in one go, or blast with the microwave for 20 secs on high.
**Because these don't have cream or butter they can stay out of the fridge, although they can get quite soft.

Whipped Ganache
150g Milk Chocolate
50g Plain Chocolate
50g Butter
8tbsp Double Cream
Pinch of Salt

1-2tsp Instant Coffee Powder
2-3tbsp Coffee Liqueur (optional)
200g White Chocolate
Bronze Lustre Dust

  1. Melt together the ganache ingredients, then stir in the coffee and liqueur. Chill for 20 minutes.
  2. Brush the moulds with lustre, tapping out the excess.
  3. Melt the white chocolate and line the moulds, then place open-side down on a lined tray and chill for 30 minutes.
  4. Blend the ganache until frothy. Chill for 5 minutes.*
  5. Blend again. Chill for 5 minutes.
  6. Blend again. Chill for 5 minutes.
  7. Blend once more until light and mousy, then transfer to a piping bag.
  8. Pipe into the moulds to ¾ full and top with more chocolate.
  9. Chill for 30 minutes before easing from the moulds.
*Not having a fridge made this one difficult to chill - we went for the cool back corridor approach. You can wait up to 10 minutes between blending, but your machine needs to have some oomph to get the right texture.

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